The maritime industry is very complex due to its international nature. Owners, charterers, operators, and agents all play their roles, but understanding the nuances take lots of experience.
Are the principals registered for GST? What are agent’s costs, versus re-chargeable costs? Is the voyage prefunded? Does the prefunding cover all the disbursements? Are vessel costs classified as repairs or are they capital improvements? Are out-of-water costs all treated as docking costs and amortised over the docking cycle?
Having worked in the sector for over 10 years with companies like P+O, PB Towage and Smit Lamnalco, as well as having shipping agency clients, we understand the views of owners, operators, charterers and agents.
We can also provide tender assistance.
David has previously worked on successful tenders for exclusive licenses in the ports of Townsville, Hay Point, Mackay & Weipa, as well as the startup of PB Towage in Newcastle.
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